DD-WRT Routers

Over the summer, I purchased two Linksys WRT54GL routers and flashed both of them with DD-WRT. Now I have one at my house in the Twin Cities and one in my house in Milwaukee. DD-WRT has proven to be quite impressive. I have done quite a bit of configuration on both of them, but the coolest part is the OpenVPN setup. The two routers now route traffic seamlessly between both networks, including iTunes music shares (not always the best idea) and Starcraft LAN games.

Debian Servers

Also over the summer, I rebuilt both of my file servers (Athos and Abydos) with Debian Linux. Previously, they had both been running Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger (Client). Tiger was sufficient for most tasks, but I kept finding small things that did not quite behave the way I wanted them to. Both boxes function as file and web servers.

Email Server

I have decided that the only good way to do email is to host it myself. It gives me the most freedom and flexibility in how I wish to do my email, and most important of all, I own the data. Yes, that means that I am responsible for data recovery in the event of hard drive failure, but it also means that I don't have to worry about my email messages sitting on some email provider's servers. Plus I get my email at my own domain. That's a bit more personal that having a Gmail account or a Yahoo account. After a bit of research, I configured Postfix and Courier IMAP and POP3 on my servers. The accounts are all integrated into my directory domain so I can now get my email with the same credentials that I use to log into all of my computers.

iTunes Web Application

Ryan Ozechowski and I wrote this application for a web applications class offered at Marquette University in the College of Engineering. The iTunes Web Application provides a web interface for iTunes. It allows a user to listen to his music from another computer using a web browser. The interface is designed to look and feel like iTunes. For more information and to download the script, click here.